Columbus, GA - (706) 577-9668
Auburn / Montgomery, AL & Area - (334) 521-6777
Shredding sensitive business documents in-house with an office shredder is a far greater solution than tossing these in the garbage, but unfortunately, this option doesn’t provide you with the security and protection you need. Not only that, they are not designed to shred through high volumes of paper which can make it a challenging solution long-term. Paper is shredded into strips rather than small particles which leaves room for reconstruction should the wrong individual access your records. When you shred documents in-house, you’re using up valuable employee time, and in essence, are paying your staff to sit behind an office shredder instead of having them perform their specific job duties. Allow your staff to focus on tasks that bring in revenue for your business, rather than taking away from it. Our professional document shredding and media destruction solutions assure your total security and allow your employees to be far more productive with their work day, which in the end contributes to your bottom-line.
Implementing a regular, ongoing document shredding program will help your business save dramatically. No need to spend money on the following:
Working with
Shred A Way will supply your company with savings that extend beyond financial savings. This is an added stress and nuisance that your business won’t have to worry about any longer; in-house shredding is both time-consuming and meticulous. If you are like most organizations, your days are likely busy enough; allow our professional team to assist with this critical task; after all, we are the experts and have extensive background knowledge and experience in helping organizations with their document management and security needs. As a regular client, we’ll provide you with quality, lockable collection bins that you may set up throughout your office where appropriate. These allow you to immediately dispose of your sensitive records in a manner that is entirely secure, where they will remain untouched until our team collects them for shredding. No material will leave your sight until our specialists arrive on-site for your scheduled shredding! You may select from our mobile shredding services or if preferred, we also offer off-site facility based shredding solutions.
Shredding is more than just smart business practice; it is also a legal obligation. Legally as a business owner, you are required to meet strict privacy standards when it comes to the handling and disposal of sensitive business records. Important privacy legislation such as the Gramm-Leach-Bliley (GLB), the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act (FACTA) , dictate exactly how information should be controlled and maintained during and following storage (disposal).
We always supply our customers with documented proof of each shred job. Expect to receive a Certificate of Destruction after your shred job has been completed. This record clearly indicates your sensitive material was shredded in accordance with key privacy laws and includes the time, date, and method of destruction carried out. This certificate is critical because it provides you with even greater liability protection should you ever be audited or questioned in relation to your document management procedures.
Shred A Way
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1170 10th Avenue
P.O. Box 4258 Columbus, GA
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